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About us
Meet the Team

Meet The Team

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The Program Director, Doreen Bistany, with over 35 years experience in education, holds a B.S. in Psychology, an M.S. in Early Childhood Education as well as New York State certification for nursery through 6th grade. She began her career teaching both fourth and sixth grades in New York City. After the birth of her daughters, she took her first nursery school position, teaching three-year-olds in White Plains, NY. After moving to Ridgefield, CT, she began teaching at St. John’s. She has been the Program Director since 2005.

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The Early Learning Center employs three head teachers and three assistant teachers. All staff members are selected for their qualifications as well as their love of children and their ability to work as a team. Our teachers are New York State certified or hold degrees in education, early childhood and related fields, and have an average of 10+ years of experience. The staff is certified in CPR and First Aid as well as trained in the use of epipens.

Our staff continues to be at the top of its field by attending professional seminars in early childhood education, annual staff development days with Northern Westchester’s Directors Group, and in-house workshops.

Excellent communication is provided to families in a variety of ways, including two parent-teacher conferences, our annual Back-to-School Night, regular email newsletters and reminders, opportunities for observation as well as holiday celebrations.

Finding Inspiration in Every Turn

The St. John’s Early Learning Center is a developmental preschool serving children between the ages of 2 and 5 years. Our program affirms the individuality of children and provides an emotionally safe environment in which they can learn and socialize. It is our belief that children grow and learn when they are free to observe, explore and actively engage in activities at their own developmental levels and pace.

Our program provides a warm and nurturing environment in which children can thrive. Each child is treated as an individual, respecting his or her needs, learning style and personality. Our rich thematic curriculum addresses the intellectual, emotional, social and physical needs of young children.

Since we acknowledge the importance of play, our day combines free-playtime, group activities and discussions to allow the children to practice the social readiness skills necessary to begin kindergarten with a positive self-image. We encourage children’s natural curiosity and foster a healthy respect for themselves, for others and for their surroundings.

Preschool classes include yoga, science and music enrichment as part of the curriculum. Our curriculum adheres to the educational standards established by the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC). In addition to our exceptional equipment and sun-filled classrooms, ELC offers outdoor play each day that weather permits in a newly expanded playground, featuring a tricycle path.

Educational Philosophy

Educational Philosophy

Children have a natural curiosity and are eager to explore and make sense of their world. Because research has shown that this innate desire to learn is best expressed through play, developmental experts believe that active, play-oriented learning like block building and dramatic play offer children the healthiest start in life.

Unlike our “adult view,” “play” is serious business for children – the “work” of childhood. Although learning comes through play in a natural, uncomplicated and enjoyable way, it is nonetheless of essential importance. Can a child who stacks blocks and knocks them down, or a child who scribbles with crayons, really be learning? YES!! When they play with blocks, children learn about shapes, spatial relationships and problem solving. Simple scribbles build muscle control and lead to drawing and writing.

Through play, children explore their world, learn to get along with others, test their skills and muscles, try out new ideas, and begin to feel confident enough to take risks in trying different activities and learning new things. Specifically, play contributes to the development of literacy, to thinking and problem solving, and to creativity and imagination. These are skills that empower children for a lifetime of learning. Research has shown that young children learn much more by touching, seeing, smelling and tasting than by just listening. They want to talk about their experiences and make sense of them by asking countless questions.

In St. John’s ELC’s developmentally appropriate classrooms, individual curiosity and spontaneous exploration are encouraged. Integrated throughout the curriculum are activities that stimulate learning in all developmental areas – intellectual, social, emotional and physical. Since each child has a different and style of learning that is fueled by individual curiosity, our curriculum activities are tailored both to age of the group and to the individual abilities of each child.

The teachers in our classrooms guide the children. They create a stimulating classroom environment, with well-planned activities that challenge the children. The teachers provide encouragement, offer suggestions, choices, and information, and pose thought-provoking questions. The teachers help to create an environment where each child can feel successful and competent. They contribute to your child’s intellectual and social readiness by providing ample opportunity for conversation, discussion and cooperative work and play, while helping the children to respect themselves and others. Ultimately, the self- confidence and love of learning that our staff helps to instill in the children will encourage them to become lifelong learners.

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